Dear Avid Nicholas Mosse Fan,
Here's an update-photo of the front terrace......

It's looking prettier and prettier.
And I've got my new camera! Prepare yourselves for album after album!

Our Irish Country Shop draw ends this weekend. One lucky shopper will be the winner of this gift box full of Wild Flower
Meadow cappucino cups and saucers!
Here's the new Nicholas Mosse steamer (cum serving bowl).
I got one, and it's great! When the food's done, flip the lid and it becomes the base. And there you are; from oven top to table top, and no broken spuds!

Here it is in some other patterns. (I obviously haven't got the hang of the flash yet!)

And, just because it looks so very, very pretty........I thought I'd show you the shop window display downstairs on the ground floor. It's a magical, floaty tent; and there are the cutest wigwams, and flowery soft cushions, and lots more inspirational girly loveliness. Just what we ladies like to see when we go shopping!
It's St Swithin's day today.............and it's raining.........
But I'm not superstitious; and never will be, touch wood!!
Till next time,