Brrr! But we're open! It's business as usual at Bennettsbridge. We've been slipping and sliding our way to work through the Winter Wonderland that is Ireland just now.

Here's our Snowman who stands at the front door!
As I write, he's a few days old already; but, apart from a few melted fingers and a decidedly runny nose, he's still standing tall!!
And this is the dazzling view from the cafe window......

We know that a lot of you, because of the bad weather, have been unable to come along to the shop.
So....we're shipping orders --worldwide -- for free -- until December 12th (December 10th is the latest for guaranteed Christmas deliveries outside Ireland). So sit back, relax by the fire, and shop at your leisure. We'll miss you, but they say the thaw is on its way....
Stay safe & stay warm, til next time,